Saturday, June 10, 2006

"Volcano Recipes" correction

The post "Volcano Recipes" was supposed to have an introductory paragraph which would have made the title make sense.. but I had some blogging issues while in Guatemala, so here's the basic jist of what I had written but got lost in cyberspace.

While in Santa Apolonia, we were talking with the Ordonez family about climbing Pacaya Volcano. They did not understand how we could climb that volcano, leaving from Antigua.. they tried and tried to figure it out, and kept telling us we must be misinformed.. it wasn't Pacaya we would be climbing, it must be another volcano. We tried to convince them that yes, it was Pacaya, because that was the currently active volcano. No, they said, it must be another. Finally, in a last ditch effort to convince them that we knew what we were talking about, I said to them, "But I have the reciept for the volcano", meaning, of course, that I had the receipt for the hike.. we had already paid. But instead, what I actually said in Spanish, was "I have the recipe for the volcano". They looked at me as though I had said I just came from outer space, then we all started laughing, as we realized what I had said, and we laughed about the idea of having a volcano recipe. But, as it turned out by our no-show-shuttle, a volcano recipe would have been just as useful as a receipt for the volcano hike! And such is life... no-shows happen, and in a trip where anything could have gone wrong at any time, we still count our blessings that really only one big disappointment took place. I still want to hike an active volcano someday, so next time!


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